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June 29, 2012

Thank You

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,"
Paul's letter to the Philippians
Philippians 1:3

I love that verse.
Throughout Philippians it seems apparent that Paul has a close friendship and affection for the Philippians.

I want to use this post to reflect in gratitude,
And say thank you to God,
for all of YOU - my brothers and sisters in Christ. (Paul addresses ALL the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi)

I'm just so thankful to know a great group of Christians who really do strive to stand up and stand out for Christ's glory. 
God is so good, that we have the ability to congregate freely as Christians with common beliefs in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Let's not take that gift for granted.

I enjoy all of the great conversations we have had - any deep, valuable conversation which includes either:
     -An amazing insight that God has shown you recently,
     -stories of evangelizing,
     -how God is teaching you things at home or with friends,
     -or just a testimony of how God is working in your life.

If you've ever felt as though sharing any of God's wondrous works that He's doing in your life with other Christians didn't make an impact, well guess what?
I know they do.
I know God has used them to impact me.
And guess what? We're supposed to talk of God's wondrous works! (Psalm 105:2)

I'm not at the point where the words in my head are literally thanking God upon EVERY remembrance like Paul says, but I do know this:

I thank my God for you, saints in Christ.
God is good. :)
I wonder if the Philippians (nowadays) would look like this
when they saw Paul coming to see them (Lol.)
Will we all look like that when we see Jesus?

By the way...
So sorry I'm so late - the night before my post was due, my laptop ran out of battery and my charger was in a different state than my laptop.
God bless you all with grace and peace,
Your brother in Christ,

Recommendation of the Week:
Bob Hoekstra, Health and Wealth Gospel. Great sermon!

June 20, 2012


"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."
-Proverbs 18:13

Hello friend,

If I had to point out one tip that God has been showing me over this last week, it would have to be this:


What a tip!
What an under utilized skill.
As well as a disobeyed command.
Well, here's something that God says in His Word.

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:"
-James 1:19
(Hear Mr. Bill Storm talk about this in his sermon on True Religion: James 1:19-27. Great sermon from church last Sunday!)

Notice 2 words:
1. Every
2. Be 

Pretty strong command, right?

I know that listening is something that God has been teaching me recently. I'm amazed to see how awesome God is, as I watch those who are good at listening, and see how God uses those people tremendously to impact people and further His kingdom. 

Keep in mind that although we ought to be slow to speak, that verse actually still means there is a time to speak.
I've tried being the person who just nods, and listens, and smiles, and says nothing. Sometimes a person can go on literally for hours if you let them. And sometimes they are just laying out there problems, and we need to say something to direct the conversation.

And to make sure that you've actually heard and understood both the content and the intent of what the other person is saying, you may want to actually repeat what they said back to them, as Mr. Storm wisely advises.

I've heard many wise people say "Learn to ask the right questions"

Jesus is a great example of that.
Listening, and asking questions. (Listen to Charlie Campbell's sermon on asking questions, called "My Top 5 Questions" He talks about this verse: "He that is first in his own cause seemeth just; but his neighbour cometh and searcheth him." -Proverbs 18:17)

Jesus asked some bold questions.
Are you willing to ask some bold questions?
"Do you know if you'll go to heaven when you die?"
"How do you know you'll go to heaven when you die?"
"Have you put your faith in Jesus alone as Lord and Savior, and repented and turned from your sins?"
"When was the last time you shared the good news with others?"
Or "Do you share your faith often?"
If not, "Why not?"

When you ask these questions, and listen, watch what happens.
What are some other bold questions that you could ask?

God bless you all with grace and peace this week!
Your brother in Christ,

Are you quick to hear?

Recommendation: Highly recommend you listen to Eric Ludy's sermons on his website (to the right). This one specifically impacted me this week. Hero Training.

June 13, 2012

Every Good Gift

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 
and cometh down from the Father of lights, 
with whom is no variableness, 
neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17

That's the verse that came to my mind yesterday when I was just reflecting on just how AWESOME God is.
I remembered an American Literature study that I did in High School, and I was just amazed to think back and really understand with a much more full grasp, exactly what I had read.

Have you ever stopped to think about the phenomena called joy?

Joy along with other emotions and feelings cannot be explained scientifically by an evolutionist.

As I was doing chores outside yesterday, I was thinking to myself: "What if God made us so that we experienced sadness and unfulfillment when we did the things that we're supposed to do, instead of the indescribable joy and fulfillment?"

All I can say is that I'm SO happy and grateful, that the Father of lights gave us the good gift of joy.

What a gift! Praise the Lord!

What other good gifts has God given you?

God bless you all this week! 
Your brother in Christ,

June 6, 2012


"Where no counsel is, the people fall: 
but in the multitude of counselors there is safety"
Proverbs 11:14

Good noon fine friends! :)
How are you doing this month of June? 
Hope you are doing well, and experiencing the blessing of the Lord.
I'm thanking and praising God for His goodness, in so many ways. 
He never ceases to amaze me, in showing me how much more I need to learn. :)
I've taken the opportunity (Notice I didn't say I "had" the opportunity... we all "have" opportunity, it's whether we take/use them or not! Yeah. Anyway...)  to ask for wise advice from a couple wise, godly men whom I have a tremendous amount of respect for, in so many ways.

My Grandpa Thompson,  (my dad's dad) is one of them. I asked him last month, in more or less words,

Question "What is the biggest piece of advice that God has taught you throughout your life, that you would advise me to start learning now?"

The advice he gave me made sense at the time, but throughout these last 2 weeks or so, I've started to understand them more.

He explained that I should read God's Word in a couple ways.
Both for fun, or to learn different topics as lead by the Spirit.
But also, as a discipline, with structure.

The second gentleman, Mr. Gary Johnson, an elder at our church, said something similar as well when I asked for his wise opinion.
He explained that I should be reading God's Word, as his first piece of advice.
He also added that we don't need to use any other books aside from God's Word as a "Self-Help" book.

Who (on earth) is counseling you?
I'm looking forward to learning from more and more wise men from whom I would like to take counsel.

God bless you all this week! I pray He gives you grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ this week!