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October 31, 2012

Intro to "Don't Judge Me"

Ever heard someone say "Don't judge me."?
What do you say to that?
More on this later today or tomorrow!

I've been traveling out of state yesterday and today, which is when I write my post.
So I plan to finish up shortly.

Instead of Trick or Treat, try Tract AND Treat! :)

God bless you all!

October 26, 2012


This was supposed to be posted Wed... I guess I pressed Save instead of Publish lol. here it is! :)

"[Praying] ...for me, 
that utterance may be given unto me, 
that I may open my mouth boldly, 
to make known the mystery of the gospel, 
For which I am an ambassador in bonds: 
that I may speak boldly as I ought to speak."
Paul's Letter to the Ephesians
Eph 6:18-20

Friends, if Paul the Apostle wants prayer for boldness, do you think it's a good idea if we do too?
I believe so!

That's my favor to ask from all you brothers and sisters in Christ....
Would you pray for me? 
That logos (that's what "utterance" means!) would be given unto me, and so that I will courageously proclaim the gospel.

That's also my prayer for you all.

I'm praying for boldness, for whichever of these that I focus on.... 
-Daily task of handing out $1,000,000 tracts, 
-Project 100 - Interviewing 100 people and sharing the gospel, 
-open air preaching like Mr. Ray Comfort, 
-getting groups of people together at parks for handing out tracts and sharing the gospel, 
-serving a community, family, or organization, 
-or all the above!
I'd appreciate your prayers too!
Feel free to let me know how I can pray for you.

Let's pray that God would send forth labourers including us into his harvest. (Matt 9:37-38)
And that we would open our mouths to speak the gospel courageously. (Eph 6:18-20)

What are some other ideas of how to speak boldly as we ought to speak?  

God bless you all with grace and peace!
Your brother in Christ,
Let's speak BOLDLY as we ought to speak! :D

Coming soon...
What about Making Disciples/teaching all nations in Mat 28:19-20?
I'll be posting and would love your feedback on topics like "Examine yourself", "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged," "What is fellowship?", and "Lukewarm Christian."

October 17, 2012

Peace - Revolver Part 2

"Be careful for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, 
which passeth all understanding, 
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Paul's letter to the Philippians 
(Phil 4:6-7)

Continued from last week...
The three young men walked closer to Joe, and were about ready to do whatever it took to get his money.
But before they could even say something to Joe, he asked them all, with a calm, peaceful demeanor, as well as a bold, enthusiastic voice and smile, "Hey guys, how are you all doing?"

That completely took them off guard.
"Normal people just usually aren't that friendly." The leader, Sean thought.
Sean stopped walking, said, "alright. How you doin'?"
"Doing great, thanks! Did you guys get one of these?" Joe said, as he handed them each a million dollar tract.
"What's this?" Sean asked.
"It's a gospel tract, with the million dollar question on the back: Are you going to heaven when you die?"
After a conversation with Joe, where he shared the true gospel with them, the three men repented from their sins, put their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, and became mighty warriors of God's kingdom.
(Check out for Ray Comfort's sermon, "Hell's Best Kept Secret" for biblical evangelism.)

The Lesson: God wants us to share the gospel boldly with love and truth, and to have PEACE about whatever the results are.
Whether the people you share the gospel with become Christians or not is up to God.
Whether you die or not while sharing the gospel shouldn't be our concern as long as we're doing our part to take care of His temple (our body).

Do you care more about your body,
Than you care about other people's souls?

Isn't it crazy to think that even if we lived in TORTURE for Christ,
on earth,
for 10 million years,
it would be worth it?
And a if we had to do it over again a BILLION times,
THAT would be worth it too.
Because any number divided by infinity is zero,
And ANY number of years on earth will seem like zero compared to eternity.

At that point we'd probably be like Paul, who said in Philippians, "Having a desire to depart and to be with Christ, nevertheless, to abide in the flesh (on earth) is more needful for YOU."
In other words, it's going to be so AWESOME in heaven, and even though we wanna go there,
We have more people that we should be a blessing to on earth.

Always Remember...

"This earth is the best that unsaved have,
For we that are saved by Christ,
the best is yet to come."

How to Become Unashamed of the Gospel....
Pray that God would give us joy in tribulations.
Why? because Romans 5:3-5 says that tribulations are the first thing to make not ashamed.

"Jesus gave His life for me,
I want to do the same for Him."

Tip of the Week
Take counsel from wiser people, who have the results that God wants first, and second the results that you specifically would like to have
In the multitude of counselors there is safety!

May God bless you all with His peace this week as you share the gospel boldly!
Your brother in Christ,

October 10, 2012

Boldness - Revolver Part 1

"According to my earnest expectation and my hope, 
that in nothing I shall be ashamed, 
but that with all boldness [bold added], as always, 
so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body,
whether it be by life,
or by death."
Paul's letter to the Philippians 
Phil 1:20

What a verse to meditate on!

Do you have the boldness of God reigning in your life?
Boldness in Greek is parrēsia,
Which means:
1) freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech
   a) openly, frankly, i.e without concealment
   b) without ambiguity or circumlocution
   c) without the use of figures and comparisons
2) free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, boldness, assurance
3) the deportment by which one becomes conspicuous or secures publicity

I love those. Do you have free and fearless confidence? Do you have cheerful courage?

I believe God has been teaching me to start preparing now, for difficult, life and death situations and choices that will be coming down the road very soon.
What would you do in this situation, if you were Joe?

One day, a 17 year old young man named Joe was walking on the sidewalks of downtown Aurora, IL.
He was passing out some Million $ Tracts by Ray Comfort, and was getting the average responses from various sorts of people.
Few would say no,
Most would accept the tract,
And few would accept and ask questions about what it was, and get into a spiritual conversation about how to go to heaven.

As Joe was joyfully, soberly, and passionately sharing the gospel of Christ, little did he know that 3 young gangster style dressed men eerily watched from an alley 2 blocks away, whispering to each other in their car, as he slowly made his way in their direction.

Joe's friendly countenance and the fact that he was talking to so many people made him look like he was a person who would be easy to lure over to a car, maybe without even needing to be forced. So they three gangsters each agreed that he was the one who was going to give them all the money and things that he had.
The one who was their leader, named Sean, picked up a wooden bat. The second man's name was DJ, and he readied a knife under his large sweatshirt. Brandon, the last of the 3, concealed a short barreled revolver in his belt under his jacket.

Joe finished talking to what seemed to be the last person on the block, and then continued walking in the same direction.
The three men got out of the car, and walked toward Joe. They pretended to laugh at each others jokes, as though to act as inconspicuous as possible. As they approached him down the sidewalk, they let Sean as the leader step in front and initiate conversation and contact. Joe made eye contact with them, and glanced down a Sean's wooden bat. He thought: "Hmm that's interesting. A guy holding a wooden bat, with 2 friends, walking directly towards me, from an alley. And... What's that?! something Silver which looked like a revolver underneath that guy's belt..." Joe looked around to see if there were any other people around - and didn't see any. He slowed his walk slightly, and swallowed a gulp of uncertainty.

That's the moment, that Joe realized if he shared the gospel, if this guy had a temper, and if the Bible was true that we will be persecuted for Christ, he could literally be dead within 5 minutes, from the swing of a bat to the head, or the shot of a revolver to the chest....

What will Joe do?
What would you do?
What would I do?
Would we have the boldness of people like Paul, or any of Jesus disciples, who were ready to do all to save some, even risking their lives?

I'd certainly appreciate your prayers for this!

More next week!

God bless you all with boldness this week in the little things,
so we can prepare for the BIG things.
Your brother in Christ,

Recommendation of the Week:
Paul Washer. His sermons are amazing.