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December 19, 2012


"Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, 
just as you also are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NASB)

What do you think of when you hear the word: "Encouragement."?
Who do you think of, that has encouraged you?
How did that person or those people impact you? 

Isn't that verse an encouraging verse?
Paul says, after talking about Christ: "So... encourage each other; Build each other up. In fact, you're doing that right now. So keep it up! :)"

Encouragement, honest compliments, appreciation, and praise
is like putting wood and gasoline on a small fire.
That's why it's so important to "catch someone" doing something right.

You may say, "Well, Landon, I need someone to encourage me, in order for me to do a good job."
But I ask you, "When was the last time that you encouraged someone else?"
When Will You Encourage?

So many times in family, teaching, managing, coaching, leaders are looking for a roaring bonfire of enthusiasm from their followers. 
But as leaders, WE need to be that burning bonfire, 
and 1 piece of encouragement can be a stick of wood that lights another fire. 
How does that work?
Well did you realize, that God comforts us, for the purpose of sharing it with others? (2 Cor 1:4)

Some people say: "You don't understand, I'm not a leader."
Well here's the part that most people don't realize: 

If you know some valuable things that others don't, 
you can help them out by teaching it to them.

I know for a fact, that EVERY person in the world is better than me at something.
So everyone has the ability to be a leader.
Whether or not you use it, is up to you. 

I believe, as a Christian you SHOULD be a leader. You should be teaching others to be disciples. 
But first you should make sure you have done it yourself.

Do you find it difficult to find something good that someone does? 
Well it's probably the mindset that you have (Phil 2:3-5). So just pray that you would have the mind that Christ had, where He actually esteemed others better than himself.

Guys, as Christians...
The mistakes of yesterday are in the past,
Christians know they're going to heaven in the future,
And God happened to give us His Word, His Spirit, and His people while were here on earth for the present!

So be encouraged! :D 
Be grateful.
Be joyful.
Have peace.
And encourage others.
And do it today. :)

I thank God for the encouragement that I've received from you all.
God bless you all this week,

December 12, 2012

Do Good!

"As we have therefore opportunity, 
let us do good unto all men, 
especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
Galatians 6:10

What an amazing passage. Let's do good unto all men!

1. "ALL Men"
Sometimes you may think: "Well, should I really do good unto THAT person? I just saw him treat my other co-worker terribly. He's a mean guy, he doesn't deserve me treating him nicely."
Or  "I can't ask my neighbor if she needs her yard to be cleaned.... She's too rich. Me doing something nice wouldn't make any difference."
Or "That guy is all by himself over there at the party, but he's a grown man... why should I be friendly and talk to him?"

The first part of Gal 6:10 is a great reminder to TAKE the OPPORTUNITIES that God gives us, and do GOOD unto "certain men"?... nope.... "ALL men."

Let's also take those opportunities as we're doing good, to SHARE the truth about God's law, righteousness, and judgement, and then may we testify of the good news of Jesus. 

"When people know how much you care,
they listen when you share."
-Mark Cahill

2. "Especially"
Other times you may think: "Looks like So-and-So at church isn't doing well financially.  But even though I could help them out through my finances,  helping to find work, or supporting his business, let me go find someone else to help.
Or  you may think "Wow... that person really is struggling. But I don't know him very well. I'm not going to ask how the family is, and if I'm going to pray for them."
Obviously, everyone has their own RESPONSIBILITIES finiancially, physically, mentally and spiritually, and they have to be willing to do their part as well. (Gal 6:5)

But if it's ever been a struggle for you like it has been for me to "get along" with some Christians,
go find a lost person and share the gospel.

It puts EVERYTHING in a different perspective.
You start to see how INSIGNIFICANT your challenges are in comparison to a person going to Hell for eternity.
You start thanking the Lord, that we even HAVE a church, where we GET to (not HAVE to) come together, and pray for each other, to give each other blessings, and
You begin understanding WHY we're saved, WHY we go to a church building, WHY we pray together, and WHY we're to do good ESPECIALLY unto fellow Christian brothers and sisters.

Christians, we are to build each other up,
NOT tear each other down.
"bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." (Gal 6:2)

"Lord, I pray that you'd help me to be a blessing to others. Give me wisdom to do good unto ALL men when we have the opportunity. And also, help us to not lose perspective of your love for us, and your people, and may we ESPECIALLY do good unto the household of faith.

Go out of your way to do something GOOD unto others today.
May God bless you all this week,

December 5, 2012

Meditate - God is AWESOME!

Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; 
but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,
that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: 
for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous
and then thou shalt have good success.

Cross References for "Meditate"
Psalm 1:1-3

I remember when I read Joshua 1:8 for the first time, and thought to myself: "Really? I can be prosperous (or advancing/moving forward), and have good success (or prudence/wisdom), by starting out with MEDITATING?"
Isn't that pretty amazing?

Well, you may ask, "What does it mean to "meditate"?
I'm glad you asked. :)

Meditate in Greek: hagah
declare (1), devise (2), devising (1), growls (1), make a sound (1), meditate (5), meditates (1), moan (3), moan sadly (1), mutter (2), mutters (1), ponders (1), utter (2), uttering (1), utters (1).

I noticed that those words for mediating mainly refers to SPEAKING. Or making some sort of noise.
Ponder, devise, and meditate are actually about THINKING.

So basically, I realized that you only speak about what you're thinking about.
It starts with what you "ponder" or "devise," then you start to "declare,"  "make a sound," and "utter" things.

You may ask, "well what should I meditate on?"
I believe Psalm 143:5 gives a great answer.

"I remember the days of old; 
meditate on ALL thy works;
I muse on the work of thy hands."
Psalm 143:5

David said he meditated on not just some, but ALL God's works. 
Have you ever thought about ALL God's works?
And talked to Him about them?

"Lord, Your works are amazing. 
You're an incredible Designer and Creator. 
The moon, and stars, shining brightly at night.
The sun, so powerful, able to keep us warm, ripen our tomatoes, keep our earth in orbit, and yet just far enough to not scorch us to death. 
All of creation speaks volumes to your glory Lord.
What a crazy notion to think that a mere human could create dirt, rock, or air from nothing.
Or to make even a tree, a tomato plant, or a blade of grass from dirt, rocks or air. 
Or to make an animal from tomatoes, bananas, broccoli and dirt. 
Or to make a human, from an cow, a chicken, and an ape.
How much more impossible to think that NOTHING at all created humans.
But You have the power to create EVERYTHING.

Lord, Thank you, for being Awesome. Thank you for all the other types of things you've created...
For music, and the beauty that sound waves hitting my eardrums can cause.
For learning, and the excitement of implementing and knowing that I'm growing.
For exercise, which profits a little.
For eating, and the fact that we have taste buds and can enjoy doing what we need to do anyway,
For working: physically, mentally, and relationally.
For witnessing, and the fact that we can be a part of the process of You saving a soul.
For fellowship, and the ability that Christians have to share joys and sorrows and grow together, with both new and old friends,
For salvation; what amazing love that Jesus died for a wretch like me! 
For prayer: I can talk to You, the God of the universe, at ANY time!
For being omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient! 

"...All things were created by him and for him." (Col 1:16)

Thank you Lord for everything,
Thank you for challenges, with health, finances, and relationships. 
When I get sick, it doesn't "stink," because I'm grateful You've allowed me to be alive.
When I'm broke, and I'm looking for an opportunity, I thank you that I can always learn through the process.
When I'm broken hearted, and all my friends leave me, I thank you for being the my true Friend and source of true love.

I praise You because...
You could've made us all just like animals, but you put in us an awareness of our existence, and of death and eternity!
You could've given sorrow from doing things that honor You, but you give us joy!
You could've given us stress from following Your commands, but you have given us peace!
You could have left us with blind faith, but you gave us a Book called the Bible!
You could have just TOLD us what to do, but you sent Your Son to be our example!
You could've only given us a To Do List, but You also gave us a Leader,
You could've only given us an Instructions Manual, but You also gave us a Mentor.

God, You are awesome.
I thank You for everything, and for everyone"

Writing down all of God's awesome works really gave me some new perspectives on how awesome HE is.

I encourage you to do it too!

Recommendation of the Week: 
Ray Comfort's brand new 33 Minute Movie just came out today! I'm looking forward to watching it.

Psalm 77 says to not only meditate by ourselves on God's Works,
But now let's go talk to people about them!

God is so awesome, Amen?

May He bless you this week,
Your bro in Christ,

Psalm 77: 11-12
"I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.
12 I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings."