"We should live a life so that we wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip."
-Ray Comfort; In sermon Subtle Doctrines of the Devil
I just heard that quote by Mr. Comfort last week, and it reminded me of what Mr. Scott Brown said:-Ray Comfort; In sermon Subtle Doctrines of the Devil
"Who you are at HOME,
is who you REALLY are."
-Scott Brown.
To understand the full context of the quote, listen to this:
(Recommendation of the Week How Young people in the Church should Interact, semonaudio.com) thanks Dan Romanowitz for the referral! :)
God certainly used that quote and sermon to convict me real good!
Examining myself:
I had to ask myself these things (and you can do a little EXERCISE either mentally or physically and just insert your name too) :
Q. "[Landon], how do you treat your family when no one else is around?"
A. Could be better!
Q. "And how do you treat those outside your family?"
A. Quite a bit nicer than my family a lot of times! (More patient, gentle, joyful, giving, loving)
Q. Why?
A. I don't know. Maybe I just know them too well.
Q. What happens when you get to know that person so well, that they practically ARE part of your family? As in either a friendship like David and Jonathan, or getting married (in which case they literally ARE part of your family!).
A. Ah, good point. Never thought about that!
That doesn't mean we lower our standard outside of our home.
It means we RAISE it in our home!
I also heard this quote from one of the smartest business men I've ever met or known of:
"How you do ANYTHING,
is how you do EVERYTHING."
-Holton Buggs
What is the solution?
It was Dr. Bill Thrasher who said this very wisely in a sermon:
"We need to be one person,
WHEREVER we are."
And that person,
is an ambassador for Christ,
and in bonds for His gospel.
Christians are brothers and sisters...
So we really are all family!
That means the main thing is this: We ought to love one another.
And we're to do good unto all, but ESPECIALLY the household of faith. (Gal 6:10)
What a privilege to serve together in one accord and bring honor to the God of the universe!
I'm so grateful He allows us to serve Him ANYWHERE in ANY state, at ANY TIME!
Whether out and about,
Or in our home.
Whether wide awake through the day,
Or sleepy going to bed.
Whether we're eating dinner,
Or drinking tea.
Whether clean in an office,
Or dirty from a day of outdoor work.
Whether on a mountain
or on the moon.
We each GET to do EVERYTHING for His glory.
Our God is an awesome God! =D
God bless you all this week!
Your bro in Christ,
"Whether therefore ye eat or drink,
or whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
My thoughts on this are represented in a C.S. Lewis quote which I will put on my blog.
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff, my friend!
Thank you, sir! *Goes to check out Cal's blog*