"Blessed be God,
even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of mercies,
and the God of all comfort;
Who comforteth us in all our tribulation,
that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble,
by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God."
2 Cor 1:3-4
The comfort of God is so amazing,
it's a shame when Christians are stingy with it!
Every person has different areas that they're stronger in and struggling in,
But THAT"S WHY we're to comfort others!
So that we fill each other up with our extra comfort of God. :)
Wouldn't you agree He has given us plenty of comfort in so many areas for us to share?
As a follower of Christ we have the gift is salvation, and we ought to share that with those who don't have that comfort of salvation!
The word "comfort" in Greek (BlueletterBible.org) is paraklēsis, which means:
1) a calling near, summons, (esp. for help)
2) importation, supplication, entreaty
3) exhortation, admonition, encouragement
4) consolation, comfort, solace; that which affords comfort or refreshment
a) thus of the Messianic salvation (so the Rabbis call the Messiah the consoler, the comforter)
5) persuasive discourse, stirring address
a) instructive, admonitory, conciliatory, powerful hortatory discourse
Not sharing our comfort is almost like this...
A man is walking in the desert, for 1 week straight without food or water.
His motivation to keep going is his belief that there's fresh water over the next hill, but each time he gets to the top, his disappointment almost makes him fall down to his knees and give up.
You have invented a big machine called the Portable Cloud Moisturization Extractor, which can absorb all the moisture from clouds within a 1000 mile radius, and distribute the water in nice gallons to whomever.
You're floating through the desert, and see this man. He looks at you confused at what sort of interesting contraption you are operating, flying through the sky.
You know that you can give him a gallon of water, since you have a TON of water available.
But instead, you say, "Wait a second, I can't help him. I'm not having a good day. Besides, I have more important things to do. I only had 2 meals, I'm hungry, and the garbage needs to be taken out. I'm going to fly home."
Obviously, that seems very unreasonable.
But for Christians, as followers of Christ, compltely new creatures, ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5), and people in bonds for the gospel (Eph 6:20)... to not share the gospel with the unsaved, and to not comfort the broken hearted, the weak, fatherless, or even to not TALK or fellowship about the goodness of God to those who seem to be doing fine...
is almost like not sharing a drink of water with a dying man out in the desert.
Sharing the Comfort
However, sharing the comfort of God, is one of the most incredible things I have ever experienced.
I've been blessed to be on both ends, the giving and receiving end.
When I need comfort in a certain area, often God uses His people to comfort me. Through the sharing of a testimony, a smile, a word of encouragement, or a verse, I've been so blessed be the people who God has blessed me to be around.
Receiving the comfort of God, is like being outside in 20 degree fall weather for 3 hours in a T-shirt, and then being invited into a house with heating, and them giving you a cup of hot chocolate. :)
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You can almost feel the warmth. :) |
And to be on the giving end, is one of the greatest joy's of all.
Like Christmas time, when you get gifts, it's awesome. Especially the ones you REALLY want or need.
But when you get to BE the one who gave the gift, its even more awesome.
Sharing Christmas presents is awesome,
But how much better is it to be able to share the comfort of God?
I thank God for you all, for being some of those people who have shared "hot chocolate" with me. :)
My prayer is that I would grow more like Christ in that area too!
Blessed be the God of all comfort! :D
God bless you all this week,
Love in Christ,
Recommendation of the Week:
Definitely recommend Ray Comfort's series, Classic Comfort. It has over 60 audio messages, and I've been truly comforted by listening almost every day to Mr. Comfort. :) Praise God for technology, which can help.
"Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer."
ReplyDelete-- 2 Cor. 1:6
That's awesome! Thanks for posting that verse, Cal.